Bed Bug

- Bed bugs feed exclusively on blood
- These parasites are notorious for how easy they spread through luggage and bedding
- Bed Bugs are difficult to get rid off and infestations can reappear many times
Bed bugs are a traveller’s nightmare. These small parasites love to hide in the seams of mattresses and furniture and come out at night to bite and feed on their host. Bed bugs are able to latch onto luggage and transfer from house to house across vast differences.
Bed Bug Signs
Bed bugs are large enough to be visible, but often go unnoticed due to their nocturnal nature and the fact that they hide during the day. Bed bugs also leave distinctive bite marks on the back, legs, and arms. Another common sign of these bugs is black or brown stains that are caused by the bug’s fecal matter.
Bed Bug Extermination
Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid off, they can repopulate with only a few remaining survivors and are resistant to most conventional methods. One effective method is to wash infected items at the hottest temperature allowed, to kill both the adults and the eggs. If these pests persist please consult with a pest control professional.