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Ring-Necked Snake


  • When threatened this snake will curl up and display its colorful underbelly
  • Diet consists mostly of small amphibians and worms
  • Average length is only 10 to 15 inches and medium bodied

The ring-necked snake is a small snake that is very secretive and rarely seen by humans since it is nocturnal. The snake is named for its dark body and even darker head that is broken up a distinct yellow band around its neck. The band is sometimes red, or yellow-orange or even cream colored. While the ring necked snake is slightly venomous, the snake can not effectively bite humans because of its small size and the fact that the fangs are near the rear of the mouth.

I was having a terrible mosquito problem in my backyard. Since I have been using their mosquito services, I have noticed a tremendous difference in my yard. I also use them for annual termite and monthly pest services, they are great. Love my technician, Ken.

Marie, Homewood, AL
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