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Wasps are predatory flying insects that are related to ants and bees. Most species have two pairs of wings and a pinched waist similar to an ants. Some wasps are aggressive and will sting in order to defend their area. Unlike bees, many species of wasps can sting multiple times.


  • Most wasps have two pairs of wings
  • A stinger, which is only found in females
  • Unlike bees, wasps are not covered in hair
  • Almost all wasps

Wasps are highly regarded as a threat due to their aggressive nature and their powerful stingers. As a predatory species, many wasps are used to control insect populations in agriculture. Wasps in your home or business however need to be removed to ensure that your family does not get stung. The most common sign of wasps are the wasps themselves are their nest. If you see a wasp nest, please call a pest control expert to remove the wasps.



Common Wasps in Alabama include:

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I have been using Horizons Professional Pest Control since 2003, they are great. They are always on time and professional. Their services are very effective and their prices can't be beat.

Frank, Alabaster, AL
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