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Search For a Pest

We found 114 search results that match ""

Field Ant

  • Typically make their home in fields, grassy areas, and gardens
  • Their mounds are often confused for fire ants but field ants do not sting, however they will bite
  • Field ants normally stay outdoors, but can be a lawn pest and a nuisance on decks and patios

Red Wasp

  • Red Wasps are a specific type of paper wasp, known for the material of its nest
  • One of the most commonly seen wasps since it likes to nest in or near buildings
  • Nests are open and the ends of the cells are not covered with a cap


  • Average size is between 2 and 3 feet
  • Diet consists primarily of small rodents but will also eat insects and frogs
  • Lives primarily in deciduous forests and mixed woodlands but will also live in pine forests and swampy regions.

Water Moccasin / Cottonmouth

  • LIke all vipers, the head of the cotton mouth is angular and blunt
  • Average size is between 2 feet and 4 feet, although some individuals reach up to 6 feet
  • Diet consists primarily of fish and frogs

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

  • Average size is between 4 and 6 feet with some specimens reaching over 7 feet
  • Habit is incredibly varied and includes dry pine forests, sandhills, and marshes, swamps and prairies
  • Diet includes birds and mammals as large as cottontail rabbits

Timber Rattlesnake

  • Most adults grow to between 3 and 5 feet long
  • Has dark cross bands on its back, but some individuals are completely dark
  • Found across the entire East Coast and Midwest regions of the US

Pigmy Rattlesnake

  • Average length is between 16 and 24 inches
  • Commonly inhabits flatwoods, mixed forests and areas near lakes and marshes
  • Diet consists of small mammals, birds, insects, and other reptiles

Eastern Coral Snake

  • The only venomous snake in Alabama outside of the pit viper family
  • Average length is 3 feet long but some individuals can reach up to 5 feet
  • Coral snakes live in the thick vegetation of forests and venture out after heavy rainfalls



  • The segmented tail has a stinger used to inject its prey and attackers with venom
  • Scorpions glow under black light and can be easily found in this manner
  • Although scorpions look menacing, they would rather run away from a threat than sting

Dust Mite

  • Extremely small mites with bodies are 0.25 millimeters long
  • Dust mites are a common source of allergies and can trigger asthma
  • These mites reproduce rapidly and can quickly become a significant infestation

Brown Recluse Spider

  • Spins disorganized webs in sheltered locations such as basements, barns, and homes
  • Brown recluses are active hunters and the web is meant as shelter and intended for catching prey
  • These spiders only have three pairs of eyes instead of the normal four pairs

Roof Rat

  • Despite the name, black rats can be light brown to black with smooth fur and are also known as roof rats
  • Smaller and sleeker body compared to the Norway rat
  • Black rats are excellent climbers and often nest in the attics of buildings

Field Crickets

  • Average size is between 0.5 and 1 inches
  • Most species are black but can be reddish or brown in color
  • Will eat a variety of foods including grass, seeds, grasshopper eggs, and will even steal from spiders

Norway Rat

  • Large rats that can weigh over a pound, are covered in brown to gray fur
  • Live in underground burrows and entere homes at night in search of food
  • Leave grease stains on surfaces that they run over

House Mouse

  • Reproduce rapidly and can quickly infest a large home
  • House mice are nocturnal and can be heard scurrying and chewing at night
  • Prefers to feed on nuts and seeds but will eat any food that it finds

Deer Mouse

  • Tail is distinctly two toned with a dark upper side and a light under side
  • Mice's teeth never stop growing so the mice must constantly wear them down by chewing
  • Deer mice have a relatively slim body and dark beady eyes


  • Adult have large oversized wings and a thin body
  • Males have mandibles so large that they are not usable, while the female's smaller mandibles are capable of delivering a painful bite
  • Adults do not feed and aren't a threat to humans unless they pinch

Crane Fly

  • A stick like body with extremely long and thin legs
  • Unlike other flies, the crane fly is actually a very poor flier

American Cockroach

  • These roaches are reddish-brown with a yellow band located behind the head
  • Large populations can emit a "musty" odor that be used to detect an infestation
  • Will eat any food that it can find, but prefers to feed on decaying matter

Boxelder Bug

  • This bug is black with red lines along the sides and thorax, and flat red wings
  • Adults feed almost exclusively on the seeds of Acer species
  • Often confused with "stink bugs" since they will release a odorous compound when disturbed or threatened


  • Extremely short and powerful front claws that are built for digging tunnels
  • Burrows that are close to ground level create distinct ridges
  • Due to underground lifestyle, the eyes and ears are very small and usually covered with fur


  • Skunks may have one or several stripes that may be broken into several stripes
  • Skunks are omnivorous but mostly feed upon insects, small mammals, and reptiles
  • Are capable of accurately spraying up to 10 feet


  • Raccoons are well known for their masked face and striped tail
  • Trash cans are a very common target for raccoons as they search out food


  • Adults are about the size of a large cat
  • Omnivores that will eat almost anything that they come across
  • As a marsupial they carry their young in a pouch

Eastern Red Bat

  • The eastern red bat is a small bat that usually nests in trees
  • Males have distinctly red fur while females are more chestnut colored
  • These bats are usually solitary animals but will migrate in large flocks

Eastern Pipistrelle

  • One of the smallest bats found in North America
  • Often called the tricolored bat and their fur can range from yellow to red to brown
  • The females form colonies that raise their young and feed together

Big Brown Bat

  • Big brown bats are the largest bats found in Alabama
  • Make an audible sound while hunting, similar to a click or hiss
  • These bats commonly make their nests in attics and protected eaves

Drain Fly

  • When resting, the wings are folding over the body in a roof-like manner
  • These flies breed very rapidly going through an entire generation in as short of a period as a week
  • These flies are an indication that there is a clogged or slow drain in the house

Smooth Earth Snake

  • Adults are usually 7-10 inches long
  • Diet consists primarily of earthworms
  • Has smooth scales and a pointed snout

Rough Earth Snake

  • Average size is between 7 and 10 inches.
  • Diet consists primarily of earthworms and arthropods
  • Has rough scales and a pointed head

Eastern Garter Snake

  • Average length of 2 feet with some individuals growing up to 4 feet
  • Markings include stripes that run the length of the body
  • Most garter snakes release a foul smell when harmed or threatened

Brown Water Snake

  • Average size is between 30 and 60 inches
  • Are often confused for Water Moccasins
  • Commonly found basking on tree branches over the water

Rough Green Snake

  • Average snakes grow to less than 4 feet and have a very thin body
  • Diet consists mostly of insects but tree frogs are eaten as well
  • Rough Green Snakes are common in urban developments with adequate vegetation

Rat Snake

  • Medium bodied snake that average between 4 to 6 feet
  • Produce a foul odor if attacked by a predator to act as a deterrent
  • Rat Snakes are excellent swimmers although they prefer dry environments where their prey lives

Corn Snake

  • Average size is between 4 and 6 feet
  • Often kept as pets because of their docile nature and color patterns
  • Can be found in basements and buildings near open field and forests

Ring-Necked Snake

  • When threatened this snake will curl up and display its colorful underbelly
  • Diet consists mostly of small amphibians and worms
  • Average length is only 10 to 15 inches and medium bodied

Black Racer

  • Average length is between 2 and 5 feet
  • Will feed on any animal that it can overpower, such as rodents, small birds, insects and smaller snakes
  • Are extremely comfortable and common in suburban envrionments

Scarlet Snake

  • The species is nocturnal and usually hides under dead leaves so is not commonly seen by humans
  • Average length is between 14 to 26 inches
  • Diet consists of lizards, small rodents, and other snakes

Worm Snake

  • Can release a foul odor when threatened or disturbed
  • Average length is less than 14 inches
  • Almost exclusively eats earthworms but will also eat slugs, snails, and insect larvae


  • Very small insects between 0.5 to 5 mm long
  • Some species have wings while others are flightless

Leaffooted Bug

  • These large bugs feed on vegetables, fruits, and other plants
  • They are not known to cause damage and do not bite humans

Kissing Bug

  • Feed on blood that is usually taken from the victims face
  • These bugs are attracted to lights and are sometimes found flying around porch lights
  • Bites do not normally cause a reaction and may be confused with other skin irritations

Stink Bug

  • Most stink bugs prefer to be outdoors where they can feed on plants and fruit
  • The smell of a stink bug can be difficult to remove and may linger for several days
  • These bugs are originally from Asia and are considered an invasive species

Head Lice

  • These small parasites live in the hair on a human's head and feed on their host's blood
  • Lice can not survive off of the human body for very long, but can easily spread through hats or combs
  • The eggs are known as nits, and this is where we get the phrase "nit-picking"

Camel Crickets

  • The extremely long antennae are used to navigate dark spaces
  • The camel cricket is completely harmless but may jump towards objects that it perceives as threats
  • These crickets do not normally invade homes and indicate large entryways that are not sealed

Mole Crickets

  • Shares many characteristics with the true mole such as powerful digging claws
  • Mole crickets are powerful fliers but lack agility and are unable to fly long distances
  • These crickets can damage lawns with their tunnels and by feeding on roots

House Crickets

  • Are often raised as food for pets such as reptiles, amphibians, and birds
  • Yellowish-brown body with three dark stripes across the head
  • In order to attract females, Males chirp by rubbing their hind legs together

Clover Mite

  • These mites are colored reddish brown, while eggs and young mites are bright red
  • Primarily feed on clover and other plants
  • Attracted to sunny area and will congregate in these spots

Indian Meal Moth

  • These moths are the most common pest of stored food
  • Easily identified by their bi-colored wings
  • The adults lay their eggs in food that the larvae eats upon hatching

Mediterranean Flour Moth

  • These moths are pests of dry food products such as cereal and flour
  • The adult moths don't eat but instead lay eggs within the food


  • Despite urban legends, these insects do not burrow into people's ears to lay their eggs
  • Most earwigs have small wings but are very poor fliers and can only manage short distances at a time
  • Earwigs release pheromones which causes them to gather in large numbers

American Spider Beetle

  • The wing covers make the beetle look "humped" like a spider, hence the name
  • These beetles ruin more food with their droppings and their larvae's web then they do by eating
  • An extremely hardy beetle, the American spider beetle can go without water for seven years and will remain in "suspended animation" when food is rare

Sawtoothed Grain Beetles

  • The sawtooth name come from the tiny projections behind the head that create a saw like appearance
  • These beetles may lay dormant over the window, only to reemerge in the spring
  • These beetles usually require chemical treatment to remove effectively

Plaster Beetles

  • Extremely small with body lengths between 1 and 3 millimeters
  • Bodies range from reddish brown to yellowish brown with some individuals being almost black
  • Finding these bugs is usually a sign of a much larger moisture problem that will attract all types of pests

Larder Beetles

  • These beetles can infest so many areas that it can be difficult to eliminate them completly
  • Larder beetles will feed not only on stored foods but leather, feathers and other natural fibers
  • Storing foods securely and maintaining a clean environment will help but often chemical sprays are neccesary

Japanese Beetles

  • They feed on the leaf material between the veins leaving behind leaves that are skeletonized
  • These beetles will rarely enter the home and prefer to remain in gardens and other vegetation
  • The larvae is capable of causing almost as much damage as the adult and should be controlled as well

Flour Beetles

  • Colors range from a reddish brown to black and adults are only 3 to 4 mm long
  • Some species are better fliers than others, but the most common species are poor fliers and rarely do so
  • Contaminated flour will become discolored and will smell foul

Drugstore Beetle

  • These beetles are very similar to the cigarette beetle but are slightly larger, up to 3.5 millimeters
  • These beetles are fairly active and the adults can sometimes be seen flying around
  • The adults have a humped appearance and are brown in color

Dried Fruit Beetles

  • The beetle is black with short wing covers that leave the abdomen exposed and have two amber-colored spots on them
  • Primary food source is fruit but will also feed on sap from plantlife
  • Common sources of contamination is fruit that has fallen on the ground

Cigarette Beetles

  • Small beetles between 2 and 3 millimeters long and colored dark brown
  • Very similar in appearance to drugstore beetle and the furniture beetle
  • These beetles can reproduce quickly and multiple generations are possible in a single year

Lady Beetles

  • Lady beetles can bite but do not cause any harm to humans
  • They lay their eggs on leaves so infestations are not usually prolonged
  • Sighting these beetles indoors is a clear indication that other pests are able to enter your home as well

Dog Fleas

  • Less common in America than cat fleas
  • A common sign is pets that are consistently scratching
  • Fleas eggs can survive off of their host and must be removed to truly eradicate an infestation

Dog Tick

  • Most commonly found on dogs but will attach to any large mammal
  • Common vector of the Rocky Mountain spotted fever and canine tick paralysis
  • A tick that has been feeding will look drastically different from an unfed tick

Deer Tick

  • The deer tick is the primary spreader of Lyme disease in America
  • Ticks have fed look drastically different from ticks that have not fed yet
  • Feeds on a variety of mammals and birds, not just deer

Black Widow Spider

  • The female's body is shiny black with a distinctive red hourglass shape on the bottom side of its large abdomen
  • Black widows spin messy, irregular webs near the ground in order to trap its prey
  • The venom is a neurotoxin and can be very painful but fatalities are low, especially with current antivenom

Wolf Spider

  • Large spider with many individual's bodies over an inch long
  • Wolf spiders do not spin webs but instead live in burrows where they wait for prey
  • Have excellent eyesight, which they use to hunt

Common House Spider

  • Usually dull brown in color with darker chevron-shaped markings
  • Build tangled webs in small, secluded areas of your home
  • Diet consists of small insects such as flies, ants, wasps, and mosquitoes

Cellar Spider

  • Spiders are typically brown with extremely long legs
  • Can not survive outside during cold weather
  • Will shake their web violently when threatened

Garden Spiders

  • Large black bodies with yellow markings
  • Webs have a distinct, zigzag portion of the web in the middle that is very dense and noticeable
  • These spiders can shake their webs to entrap prey or prevent predators from attacking


  • Tarantulas are among the largest spiders known, some are even able to prey on small birds and mice
  • These spiders do not spin webs and spend most of their lives on the ground or trees
  • In the Americas, tarantulas are covered with irritable hairs

Spinybacked Orb Weaver Spider

  • A short flat body with colorful spines sticking out
  • Spin large orb webs that they remove and rebuild daily
  • Are sometimes confused with crab spiders because of their body shape

Cat Fleas

  • Cat fleas are the most common fleas found on Earth
  • Cat fleas are not specific to cats but will live on any furry mammal
  • A common sign is constant scratching by pets


  • Only the females feed on blood and only to gather protein to help produce eggs
  • Larvae can be identified swimming on the surface of stagnant pools of water
  • Mosquitoes are most common during the evening and can desiccate in the afternoon sun

Fruit Fly

  • Fruit flies breed so rapidly that they are often used for scientific research to study genetics over multiple generations in a short period
  • These flies are only 3 to 4 millimeters and most have red eyes and a tan thorax
  • Populations tend to grow during the summer outdoors, but indoors populations stay high year round

House Fly

  • House flies are usually grey with four black stripes on its back
  • The eyes of the house fly are incredibly complex and have a wide range of vision
  • The presence of house flies can indicate that your home is not properly sealed against insects and other pests


  • These tiny flies are incredibly weak fliers and fly in sporadic pattens
  • Despite their small size, gnats can be dangerous because of diseases that they carry
  • Some gnats eat agricultural pests and are excellent pollinaters

Blow Fly

  • Blow flies have a metallic appearance and their antennae have feathery ends
  • These flies can smell the flesh of a dead animal from almost a mile away
  • Blow flies act as pollinators for some plants that release a smell that is very similar to rotting flesh

Phorid Humpbacked Fly

  • Closely resemble the fruit fly, but the body has a distinct humped back when viewed from the side
  • Are particularly fond of decaying animals as a site to lay their eggs
  • Are poor fliers and will often run and can be identified by their erratic flight

Dampwood Termite

  • Relatively large termites, soldiers can be over 2 centimeters and have very large heads
  • Build their nests within the wood they are feeding on instead of underground
  • There is no worker class in these colonies

Drywood Termite

  • Live and feed on dry wood such as that found in attics
  • Can be identified by their feces which looks like small hexagonal pellets
  • These termites do not require underground nests and are much harder to detect

Formosan Termite

  • Create massive colonies that can quickly devastate a structure
  • Soldiers release a milky white substance when threatened

Subterranean Termite

  • Live underground to preserve moisture
  • Subterranean are the most common and widespread termite in America

Oriental Roach

  • Is one of the few cockroaches that are incapable of flight
  • Like many roaches, large populations can emit a musty odor
  • Oriental roaches are typically shiny black but can vary

Sugar Ant

  • Thief ants are incredibly small with workers only 2mm long
  • Their primary food source is stealing from other ants
  • Small colonies that nest indoors in small crevices, woodwork and masonry

Pavement Ant

  • These ants often attack other colonies, with large battles taking place on sidewalks leaving many dead ants
  • Outdoors, they nest under rocks and within cracks of pavement. Indoors they nest within walls and under floors
  • Small to medium workers, approximately 3 millimeters long

Fire Ant

  • Infamous for their painful sting and aggressive nature
  • Dig distinctive sandy mounds that are especially noticeable after rain
  • Colonies can be as large as 500,000 individuals

Carpenter Ant

  • These are the largest ants found in Alabama
  • Carpenter ants do not eat wood but burrow into wood to build their nests
  • Colonies can be broken up into satellite colonies that are separate from the parent colony

Pharaoh Ant

  • Very small ants with workers about 2 millimeters long
  • Infest homes over the winter to avoid cold weather and survive well indoors
  • If a colony is disturbed the population will spread and create multiple colonies

Odorous Ants

  • Create large colonies, up to 100,000 ants, and multiple colonies are known to live in close proximity
  • Workers release a rotten coconut like smell when crushed
  • Usually invade homes when populations are large and heavy rain washes away their food sources

Harvester Ant

  • Workers are different sizes and the larger workers have disproportionally large heads
  • Prefers to nest in sand, sandy soil, or gravel
  • Harvesters are named for their habit of collecting seeds and storing the food for winter

Fox Squirrel

  • Largest of all the tree squirrels, they also spend more time on the ground compared to other tree squirrels
  • Are most active during the day and prefer to nest during the night
  • Insulation within attics and garages closely mimic the squirrels preferred nest of tree cavities

Gray Squirrel

  • Slightly smaller than fox squirrels but larger than red squirrels
  • Eats primarily seeds and nuts but has been known to eat insects, frogs and even other squirrels on rare occasions


  • Short stocky bodies, these ground squirrels prefer to live in burrows that they dig
  • Prefers to eat grasses, alfalfa, and clover. They can destroy a garden in just one or two nights

Webbing Clothes Moth

  • The caterpillars feed on natural clothing, especially wool
  • These moths are usually much smaller than food infesting moths
  • Finding dead moths in a closet is a sure sign that your clothes are at risk


  • Despite their name, no millipede is known to have 1,000 legs
  • Millipedes range in size from 2 millimeters to over 11 inches
  • Most millipedes feed on decaying plant matter but some species prey on earthworms and small insects

Bed Bug

  • Bed bugs feed exclusively on blood
  • These parasites are notorious for how easy they spread through luggage and bedding
  • Bed Bugs are difficult to get rid off and infestations can reappear many times

Bumble Bee

  • Bumblebees can de distinguished from other hairy breeds by the hind leg which has a concave surface that is used to transport pollen from plant to plant
  • Mature colonies will often consist of less than 50 individuals
  • Bumblebees are often a beneficial insect that pollinate many important plants and combined with their docile nature are often allowed to live on in proximity to humans

Honey Bee

  • Honey bees are rarely aggressive and are usually not a danger to humans, unlike the Africanized honey bee
  • Create hives with honeycombs that are made out of wax to hold honey over the winter
  • Honey bees are often raised, fed, and maintained by beekeepers for their honey and their pollination services

Africanized Honey Bee

  • Produce much less honey than European honey bees and require warmer environments
  • These bees are known to take over existing honey bee hives and establish their own queen
  • Much more likely to live underground than European honey bees

Yellow Jackets

  • Yellow jackets are characterized by the rapid, side to side flight
  • Adult yellow jackets prefer to eat sugars such as fruit and nectar but will gather meat and insects for larvae who prefer protein
  • Yellow jackets tend to nest underground but any cavity that it finds will do such as a tree hollow or attic

Paper Wasps

  • Sometimes called umbrella wasps due to the shape of their hives
  • Paper wasps recognize each other's faces in a manner that is comparable to humans and chimps
  • The nests are typically made from dead wood mixed with saliva to create a paper like substance

Mud Dauber

  • Mud Daubers have extremely narrow and elongated waists
  • The wasps are not aggressive and stings are very uncommon
  • Mud daubers build simple nests using mud instead of paper


  • The European wasp is the most common wasp found in Alabama
  • Hornet stings are more painful than a typical wasp sting because of the large amount of acetylcholine
  • Hornets feed almost exclusively on other insects

Carpenter Bee

  • These bees are somewhat deterred by wood that is stained or painted although this solution is not 100% effective
  • Unlike termites, carpenter bees do not eat wood. They push the wood particles out of the hole or use them to create partitions within the hole
  • Carpenter bees can cause large amounts of damage in just a short period since many individuals will nest near each other and expand existing nests

Citronella Ants

  • These ants release a strong lemon smell when they are crushed
  • A type of moisture ants, these ants are attracted to area with high moisture
  • Workers are yellow and about 4 millimeters long

Acrobat Ant

  • When viewed from above, the abdomen is shaped like a heart
  • When threatened, these ants lift their abdomen above their head
  • Many species of acrobat ants release a foul smell when disturbed

Argentine Ant

  • These ants vary from light brown to dark brown
  • They create massive colonies with multiple queens all living together
  • Will occasionally raise colonies of aphids in order to feed on their honeydew

Ground Spiders

  • Most species have larger, barrel-shaped spinnerets that are seperated
  • Some species mimic ants and wave their front legs around to look like antennae
  • Are active hunters of insects but only during the night

Jumping Spiders

  • Very developed and prominent eyes
  • Extremely agile and fast spiders, they often leap great distances to attack their prey
  • Typically have dark and dull colorations

Crab Spiders

  • Venom is not dangerous to humans although it can cause redness and swelling
  • Some species are able to change their color over a period of a few days
  • If found within the home, they can indicate large gaps to the outside and a secondary pest infestation

Smokybrown Cockroach

  • Are rarely seen during the day and prefer moist areas
  • As with all roaches, sighting a single smokybrown cockroach means that they are hundreds that you can't see
  • Among the best fliers of all cockroaches

German Cockroach

  • German cockroaches have wings but are very poor fliers and before to run
  • Can secrete odorous secretions large populations are sometimes detecting by a "musty" odor
  • Most often found in kitchens and bathrooms but can also survive anywhere with proper humidity and food

Brown-Banded Cockroach

  • Their droppings are often noticed as black smears on crown molding, light fixtures and pictures mounted high on the wall
  • A single roach usually indicates a much larger infestation
  • This cockroach has two light-colored bands across the abdomen and wings

Very impressed with the service. The service tech gave us details about how he was going to treat the pest problem. The results were quick and effective.

Mike, Pelham, AL
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